Video Series: Real Women, Real Stories

I interviewed 18 working mothers across industries and backgrounds in the U.S. and created a video series showcasing their stories. The videos below validate mothers’ experiences during COVID and help managers and organizations create caring cultures that attract, support, engage, and retain women.

1. How has it felt being a working mom during COVID-19?

2. What was your most difficult moment in 2020?

3. How do you think other women are feeling right now?

4. What is the one thing that companies can do right now to retain women in the workforce?

5. Describe the ideal workplace post-covid.

6. What is your advice for other women?

7. What is your advice for managers?

8. How can a company create a culture that cares?


Spark Session: Must Haves for Modern Managers of Today


Podcast: How COVID is Transforming Women, the Workforce, & the Workplace